contact us

office address                                                           70 chemin de la cascade
74400 chamonix

villa mont blanc address                                            9 chemin de la cascade                                       74400 chamonix

Amanda Jackson                                                     +33 (0)6 75 16 32 42      

I have lived in Chamonix since 2000, every day I love it a little bit more. I met my husband 13 years ago on the chair lift at Grands Montes on a snow afternoon. He was working as a ski patrol and I was skiing for pleasure with a friend that knew him. We skied that magical day together and have now got two small followers of our own. Herve is born in Chamonix and it is his grandparents home that we have the pleasure to share with you. We both enjoy meeting new people and sharing our knowledge about the mountains and the valley of Chamonix to make sure that your needs and hopes are met, for an unforgettable holiday.